Monday, September 05, 2005


Ladies and Gentlemen...I give you:
The Infiniti G35
Sorry I haven’t posted in forev—er--Since the season began…

In the mean time I’ve been working, working, working, cardinals, working, and working some more.

Oh but the other day I did pick up Lbruce, and we drove out to Chelsey’s house. YAY Social Time! But man, Eureka’s a bitch to drive to…all the way out in Arkansas. (If you see the Hobo, you’ve gone too far.)

Directions to Chelsey’s house:
1. Take Manchester to 109
2. Pass up Chelsey’s Neighborhood “Legends”
3. Keep on going
4. When you come to the Merrimac River…Keep driving
5. 109 stops and splits into W and something else…Take W, like Mapquest says to
6. Keep on driving past the silos and cornfields
7. See that Hobo? Pick him up.
8. Drive through the mountainous 2 lane roads. Be sure to be going 15 miles under the speed limit.
9. Don’t pull over at Jeepers Creeper’s. You don’t want to know what’s in that bonfire…
10. Stop at D.J.’s Meat Market. Call Chelsey. You are lost.
11. Backtrack 30 minutes till you reach that big concrete sign that reads, “THE LEGENDS
12. Hit yourself for missing that one.
13. Congrats. What was supposed to be a 35 minute drive, turned into a 1 and a half hour disaster.


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