Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This Week in Major League Booty

I posted this in a different blog a while back, and Amy's run in with Scotty Rolen prompted me to repost it here... This week in MLB:

Hosting provided by FotoTime

“While you lost a piece of your precious shoulder after running into the Great Wall of South Korea...You still managed to keep that wonderful booty. Yes you'll probably be out the majority of the season...But hey, when October rolls around you'll be tearing up the playoffs. Leaving Hee Sop and the rest of base-path-hoggin' baseball pondering ‘Choing-choing chata weee’ Translation: "Even though you've stripped a man of his left shoulder, regular season, and a little bit of his dignity, he'll still always have that Major League Booty to fall back on." Thank you Scott Rolen. And God bless yo Mama.”


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