Saturday, September 17, 2005

What in the hell kind of question is that?! Of course we'll celebrate.

Magic Number: 1

I’m glad I was asleep and we didn’t win last night. I want to see a victory on the field. And muscular men running around shirtless spraying champaign on each other is always a nice visual. That’s the best part about clinching the division--the hot man-on-man action. If only Scotty were better…*sigh*

Bleh I’m sick. I ended up missing what turned out to be a really good game, and just stayed at home and slept. Desmet is now 3-0. I am going to the next game. I really am. Goddamn {proof} you were suppose to come out this weekend. Goddamn it. We’ll see it next weekend...In other news, Chelsey made up with her bitch (wink wink) and now she can stop complaining about being broke and not having a ride. Yayuh.

I think that Emily Rose movie did me over more than I thought. I hate scary movies. They always fail to scare me, and I just walk away wanting that 2 hours and 27 minutes of my life back. But this move was different. I got chills watching it, and driving home by myself, I swore she was going to jump out in front of my car and scream at me.

Everyone’s been making fun of me because every class I go to, there seems to be a fly. Its not that I’m scarred of flies, they just startle the shit out of me when they buzz past my face. That’s why I scream. So the other day I noticed a fly in the kitchen, and I killed it. The next morning I saw another one in the kitchen and proceeded to do away with it. Then I walked into the family room and saw one on the wall. Okaaayy… I killed that one too. Then I turned to go outside and there were two on the door. I was pretty freaked out at this time, so I turned and walked toward my room, when I noticed more flies in the corner. I counted 12 on the window, lamp shade, and ceiling. I got the hell out of there. But when I ran out to the side of the house I noticed the garage window was COVERED in those nasty ass bugs, so after I composed myself I called my dad and asked what the hell was going on. His only explanation was that it was the Devil, and I must be possessed. Goddamn movie.


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