Sunday, September 25, 2005

Crazy People Don't Ask if They're Crazy

Oh Man {proof} was so goddamn good. Why you ask?
1. Movie about fucking proofs. I get excited when someone mentions the word proof, now I get a whole 2 hours of constant geometry.
2. Jake Gyllenhaal
Yes he is a hottie. In the movie he takes off his shirt. Yes I enjoyed that part.
Too bad hes a raging liberal bitch. Ho-hum.

As I am writing this the Steelers are 2-0. In a couple minutes Im going to turn on the game. Did I mention I play for them? Chelsey plays for the Cowboys. They suck.

This is what I want (but probably won't happen):
AL East: Yankees
AL Central: White Sox
AL West: Angels
AL Wild Card: Red Sox
NL East: Braves
NL Central: Cardinals already clinched
NL West: Padres
NL Wild Card: Astros

+This way we face Padres in first round, and if Houston makes it well be fine. We own them this year...
+I don't want the Indians anywherear near the playoffs. I know its like only a 1 1/2 lead the ChiSox have but they can still hold on...
+I really don't care if the Red Sox or the Yankees win the AL East just as long as the other one wins the AL Wild Card. Neither of them will go deep this year...
+Yes I know I know--While I love the Athletics and I *heart* Huston Street, I want the Angels in the World Series. I think they have as good a shot as anyone, and how cute would that be if all three Molinas were playing....*arwwwwww*

So there you have it: Cards will beat the Angels in 6 games this year and rightfully become world champions, or my name isn't Shirley.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

I've Taken My Bows; and My Curtain Calls...


God I love the Cardinals.

Excuse me while I go watch the celebration…*drool*


Oh. My. Lord. This image is just too much for me...*swoon*

It's Crazy time!!

Ball Players gone wild



What in the hell kind of question is that?! Of course we'll celebrate.

Magic Number: 1

I’m glad I was asleep and we didn’t win last night. I want to see a victory on the field. And muscular men running around shirtless spraying champaign on each other is always a nice visual. That’s the best part about clinching the division--the hot man-on-man action. If only Scotty were better…*sigh*

Bleh I’m sick. I ended up missing what turned out to be a really good game, and just stayed at home and slept. Desmet is now 3-0. I am going to the next game. I really am. Goddamn {proof} you were suppose to come out this weekend. Goddamn it. We’ll see it next weekend...In other news, Chelsey made up with her bitch (wink wink) and now she can stop complaining about being broke and not having a ride. Yayuh.

I think that Emily Rose movie did me over more than I thought. I hate scary movies. They always fail to scare me, and I just walk away wanting that 2 hours and 27 minutes of my life back. But this move was different. I got chills watching it, and driving home by myself, I swore she was going to jump out in front of my car and scream at me.

Everyone’s been making fun of me because every class I go to, there seems to be a fly. Its not that I’m scarred of flies, they just startle the shit out of me when they buzz past my face. That’s why I scream. So the other day I noticed a fly in the kitchen, and I killed it. The next morning I saw another one in the kitchen and proceeded to do away with it. Then I walked into the family room and saw one on the wall. Okaaayy… I killed that one too. Then I turned to go outside and there were two on the door. I was pretty freaked out at this time, so I turned and walked toward my room, when I noticed more flies in the corner. I counted 12 on the window, lamp shade, and ceiling. I got the hell out of there. But when I ran out to the side of the house I noticed the garage window was COVERED in those nasty ass bugs, so after I composed myself I called my dad and asked what the hell was going on. His only explanation was that it was the Devil, and I must be possessed. Goddamn movie.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This Week in Major League Booty

I posted this in a different blog a while back, and Amy's run in with Scotty Rolen prompted me to repost it here... This week in MLB:

Hosting provided by FotoTime

“While you lost a piece of your precious shoulder after running into the Great Wall of South Korea...You still managed to keep that wonderful booty. Yes you'll probably be out the majority of the season...But hey, when October rolls around you'll be tearing up the playoffs. Leaving Hee Sop and the rest of base-path-hoggin' baseball pondering ‘Choing-choing chata weee’ Translation: "Even though you've stripped a man of his left shoulder, regular season, and a little bit of his dignity, he'll still always have that Major League Booty to fall back on." Thank you Scott Rolen. And God bless yo Mama.”

Monday, September 05, 2005


Ladies and Gentlemen...I give you:
The Infiniti G35
Sorry I haven’t posted in forev—er--Since the season began…

In the mean time I’ve been working, working, working, cardinals, working, and working some more.

Oh but the other day I did pick up Lbruce, and we drove out to Chelsey’s house. YAY Social Time! But man, Eureka’s a bitch to drive to…all the way out in Arkansas. (If you see the Hobo, you’ve gone too far.)

Directions to Chelsey’s house:
1. Take Manchester to 109
2. Pass up Chelsey’s Neighborhood “Legends”
3. Keep on going
4. When you come to the Merrimac River…Keep driving
5. 109 stops and splits into W and something else…Take W, like Mapquest says to
6. Keep on driving past the silos and cornfields
7. See that Hobo? Pick him up.
8. Drive through the mountainous 2 lane roads. Be sure to be going 15 miles under the speed limit.
9. Don’t pull over at Jeepers Creeper’s. You don’t want to know what’s in that bonfire…
10. Stop at D.J.’s Meat Market. Call Chelsey. You are lost.
11. Backtrack 30 minutes till you reach that big concrete sign that reads, “THE LEGENDS
12. Hit yourself for missing that one.
13. Congrats. What was supposed to be a 35 minute drive, turned into a 1 and a half hour disaster.